Addison was born on 8/17/2008 and is now 14 and lives in Hoschton, Ga. She was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on February 23, 2012, Leukemia. She was 3 ½ and went through 2 ½ years in and out of Scottish Rite Hospital for treatments.  Sometimes for weeks, sometimes just in and out every day for weeks, she even had to spend her 4th Birthday in the hospital. She says she doesn’t remember much of it but has heard so many stories from her family and friends. “I don’t remember a lot about my journey because I was so young, but I do remember spending my birthday and almost Christmas in hospital.” Since her treatments ended and began her recovery she began to grow up and has spent years in competition dancing and now horseback riding.

Through their experience, Addison and her mother have been inspired to help other people who are going through similar journeys. They have started a non-profit, “CapeFree Connection”. This non-profit includes a community of people (some of them are therapists), that aim to help families with sick children. As for her goals for the future, Addison says, “I want to take my experience and my love for horses and continue down an academic path pursuing a degree in Equine Therapy and provide a service in the CapeFree community.”

Childhood cancer does not just affect the child; it affects the whole family.  Addison’s best advice is, “keep your head up and do not let the negatives take over, this goes for parents too!”