JUNE 2020:
Update from the MD Anderson Cancer Center on research to date.
We are pleased to share the exciting advancements in the blood cancer field as shared by Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju.
“I believe that my passion and mission in life is to help raise awareness and develop novel therapies for patients with the most rare of blood cancers, such as MPNs,” said Dr. P. “I believe that if someone has a rare disease, it is not rare to them, their mother or their family; it is a disease; one that must be treated. I will not rest; I will strive to give a voice to those who do not have one, those who are devastated by having a diagnosis, which may affect very few people and ones that their physician may not be familiar with. Your support will greatly help me with my life’s work and mission.”
(Please click on the links below to read the update and abstracts.)
Read the Research Update June 2020
Read the Research Update October 2020
Read the Blood Publication Article