Hometown Hero Spotlight
Jensen Oliver
Jensen Oliver’s mother knew something was not right when her normally energetic daughter became increasingly tired and cranky towards the end of the summer of 2017. “Jensen just generally was not herself,” her mother recalls.
She loved to run in the park and play with her twin sister, Lauren, and her older sister, Mila. However, Jensen had just started pre-kindergarten and her mother attributed her low energy to lack of sleep since Jensen was missing her usual nap due to school. By September, Jensen’s health had quickly deteriorated. She had grown shockingly pale and was walking with a limp. This was NOT normal and not caused by missing her naptime.
Jensen’s doctor ran blood tests. After viewing the test results, the doctor immediately sent Jensen to the emergency room at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. After several hours, the family received a heartbreaking diagnosis. Jensen had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Jensen went through major ups and downs throughout two years of intensive chemotherapy; however, with help from family, friends and the amazing staff at The Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Jensen persevered. The initial treatment phase was one of the worst parts. As a result of heavy steroid doses, Jensen’s weight ballooned. Her clothes did not fit. Jensen was very uncomfortable, cranky and constantly hungry no matter how much she ate. According to Jensen’s mother, “The once happy child didn’t laugh for six weeks.”
With great strength and determination, Jensen fought hard and endured her treatment. She became a medication champ and could down all 11 of her pills in one swallow! Jensen did not cry or pull away when getting her blood drawn or her port accessed. The staff was impressed with Jensen. “She has been so strong throughout this whole process!” exclaims Jensen’s mother with great pride.
Jensen, now eight years old, was born at Northside Hospital in Atlanta and lives in Marietta, Georgia. She attends Bells Ferry Elementary and enjoys bike riding, roller skating and playing golf. When Jensen was in first grade, she received the award for Best Handwriting. However, today Jensen is most proud of another recent accomplishment. “This spring I FINALLY made it all the way across the monkey bars!” she bursts out with joy.
Soon, Jensen will “graduate” from treatment to the survivors program at CHOA. She is thinking about becoming a doctor.
“The doctors and nurses are really nice and will take good care of you,” Jensen says with the hope of easing some of the fears of other pediatric cancer patients. Jensen’s future is looking bright!
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